JENNIFER BARRIE, FOunding Board Member
BELIZE 2002 – 2004

Originally from California, Jennifer moved to Nashville in 2005 and worked for nine years to educate students and the community about energy efficiency.  She created and managed the Kilowatt Ours Youth Initiative, a program to teach energy conservation to students and teachers in schools, and led and coordinated the Alliance to Save Energy’s PowerSave Schools and Campus programs in the TVA region, helping K-12 schools and college campuses save energy and money.  

Previous to making the move to Nashville, Jennifer served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Belize, Central America, where she lived in a Maya-Mestizo village and worked as an environmental educator and project coordinator. She has also worked as a Park Ranger with the National Park Service in California in Joshua Tree and Yosemite National Parks, and as an environmental educator in outdoor science schools. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and completed a Master of Science degree in Sustainability at Lipscomb University in Nashville in 2011. She has been analyzing statewide policies for the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations since 2014.